
Friday, December 11, 2015

Term or understanding in insurance is very important to know ...

Term or understanding in insurance is very important to know ...
Insurance: an agreement between two or more parties, with which the insurer bind themselves to the insured, by accepting insurance premiums, to provide reimbursement to the insured because kerugiang, damage, or loss of expected profit, or legal liability to third parties which may be suffered insured, arising from an uncertain events, or to provide a payment based on death or life of an insured person.
pension insurance: insurance program that guarantees the welfare of old on the day or provide pension benefits.
life insurance: insurance program organized with the aim to minimize the risk associated with the life or death of a person.
insurance: insurance programs are organized to cope with the risk of loss, loss of benefits, and legal liability to third parties as a result of uncertain events when they occurred.

Health insurance: an insurance program that delivers health protection against the insured person.

education insurance: insurance program that provides protection functions and investment functions in accordance with the cost of education and school time.

social insurance: insurance programs organized by state-owned enterprises are required based on the law.

Voluntary insurance: insurance programs that are free or not to force. means that everyone is free to choose to be insured party of an insurance program or did not become the insured person.

contra preferentem: prevailing intent must benefit the insured person and the insurance company can not take advantage of confusion in the insurance policy.

risk management: risk management process that includes the identification, evaluation, and control risks that could threaten the viability of a business.

Insurance objects: objects and services, body and soul, human health legal responsibility, as well as all the interest that can be lost, damaged, loss, and decreases in value.

the insurer: insurance company conducting insurance business, receives insurance premiums from the insured person and bear the risk of the insured.

the insured party: the individual or entity that insurance program.

insurance policy: an agreement of evidence on which to base an engagement in insurance between the insured and the insurer.

contract policy: a policy that is used in the delivery of goods that lists of goods insured and pembungkusannya way, the amount of the highest price for each shipment, as well as the delivery destination and origin of the shipment.

pauchal policy: a policy that is used to cover all goods that are still in the carriage.

veem policy: a policy that is open because it does not include the kinds of goods insured, the number of insured goods, and the estimated price of the goods insured.

insurance premiums: the amount of money that must be paid regularly by the insured to the insurance company as an insurer for its involvement in insurance.

tabarru: donations from the insured to the insured another without any compensation resulted in the transfer of ownership of property from lender to people who are given.

well that term in the insurance terms and understanding is very important for you to know, may add insight and hopefully useful to you.
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