
Monday, December 14, 2015

Understanding Insurance | 7 Insurance element essential to read !!!

Understanding Insurance | 7 Insurance element essential to read !!!
Welcome to the blog's imuel we will provide information about the definition of insurance, term insurance, general insurance, insurance element, understanding insurance in Indonesia.
Understanding Insurance.We already know that the concept of insurance is a lucky man to help the disadvantaged. the core of the concept is actually a mortgage or insurance coverage. then, what is meant by the insurance? is the insurance is the coverage (an agreement between two parties, one party is obliged to pay the fee and the other party is obliged to provide a guarantee to pay dues in full if there is something that happens first party or belongings in accordance with the agreement made).
or another sense, insurance is an agreement between two or more parties, with which the parties committed themselves to the insured person, by accepting insurance premiums, to provide reimbursement

to the insured for the loss, damage, or loss of expected profit or liability to third parties which may be suffered by the insured, arising from an uncertain events, or to provide a payment on death or life of an insured person.

based on the above understanding we can take at least seven insurance element. 7 insurance element was as follows.
7 ELEMENTS INSURANCE1. The existence of a valid written agreement commonly called an insurance policy.
2. The presence of the insurer, the insurance company that organizes the insurance business, receives insurance premiums from the insured party, and bear the risk of the insured.
3. The existence of the insured party, ie the individual or entity that insurance program. the insured person is also called the insurance policy holder.
4. The existence of the insurance object in the form of goods and services, body and soul, human health, legal responsibility, as well as all interests can

lost, damaged, loss, and decreases in value.
5. the transfer of risk is the likelihood of an adverse event, and can be valued in money.
6. The existence of the insurance premiums, the amount of money paid as a form of liability of the insured person for participating in insurance to the insurer.
7. the compensation given by the insurer to the insured in case of claims for insured risks.
7 that the insurance elements that we can take in terms of insurance. to 7 elements that constitute the basic elements of the insurance.
in everyday life insurance is often assessed chancy. many people assume that the insurance program, a person can gain from compensation claims which amount is greater than the insurance premiums paid, even may experience a loss if at all not obtain compensation claims. Such presumption is actually wrong because insurance helps processour live. insurance makes us feel happy to enjoy life and we do not need to be too concerned about any risks in life.
This may add insight and hopefully useful to you. I hope the information from the blog's imuel be a guide.
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