Insurance premiums and insurance policy what the difference ???
Welcome imuel's blogs, blogs that discuss insurance in the world, USA, Canada, UK, China, Indonesia and others. insurance payments on this occasion on insurance premiums and insurance policies. differences in insurance premiums and insurance policies.
The first we will discuss insurance premiums.
Insurance premiums: someone who follows the insurance program pays the insurance premium as specified in the insurance policy. insurance premium is the amount of money that must be paid regularly by the insured to the insurance company as the top underwriter in the insurance ikutnya. insurance premium payments can be made monthly, quarterly, semesteren, or yearly, for each payment of insurance premiums, the insured person will receive a premium receipts issued by the insurer. the amount of the insurance premium for each insurance company is different. each insurance company uses its own method of setting premiums. but taking into account the state of the insured person. insurance premium is calculated by multiplying the set insurance premium rates with the insurance value of the object is threatened risk. in general, the higher the value objekasuransi, the greater the insurance premiums paid.
Insurance policy:
on an occasional business cooperation agreement between the parties concerned. as well as in the insurance there is an agreement or better known as insurance contracts. insurance contracts with other business agreements are generally the same, namely the existence of an agreement between the two parties. however, there are major differences between insurance contracts and insurance agreements. the insurance contract into effect the principle of mutual trust and good faith. whereas, on the other agreements that have a tangible product enacted the principle of let the buyer beware, that the buyer can not return or cancel the goods that have been bought. because, the buyer can read the qualifying items and can see directly the goods. a contract or agreement usually contained in a document. insurance, document containing the contract or agreement referred to an insurance policy. insurance policy is an agreement of evidence on which to base an engagement in insurance between the insured and the insurer. the insurance policy was published on bail extensive coverage, the risk can not be insured, as well as general and special requirements peryaratan.
the insurance policy has a specific function when viewed from the insured and the insurer, the function of an insurance policy to the insured party, among others:
1. as written evidence of the risk insured to the insurer.
2. as authentic evidence used to sue the insurer if it does not fulfill its obligations.
3. as proof of payment of insurance premiums to the insurer.
insurance policies also have a specific function for the insurer, among others, as follows.
1. as written evidence on the provision of insurance to the insured.
2. as authentic evidence used to reject a claim if it does not comply with the terms of insurance policies.
3. as proof of receipt of insurance premiums from the insured person.
if related to the payment of insurance premiums. insurance policy can be divided into three, namely:
1. The contract policy, ie a policy that is used in the delivery of goods. This policy lists the kinds of goods insured and pembungkusannya way, the amount of the highest price for each shipment, as well as the delivery destination and origin of the shipment. As for the payment of insurance premiums carried out periodically in accordance with the specified time.
2. veem policy, ie a policy that is open because it does not include the kinds of goods insured, the number of insured goods, and the estimated price of the goods insured. This policy is used to cover all the items in the warehouse of the risk of damaged, lost, or burning, usually the payment of insurance premiums is that there are as many goods warehouse.
3. pauchal policy, ie a policy that is used to cover all goods that are still in the carriage. in this policy, the insurance premium is only estimated to be resulting in the possibility of a surplus or shortage of payment of insurance premiums.
insurance policy issued by an insurance company as an insurer. insurance policy should be made clear. if there is a view that is ambiguous, the principle applied contrapreferentem. is a valid purpose to be in favor of the insured and the insurance company can not take advantage over the confusion. in addition, the printed insurance policy should be easy to read so it does not happen in the future dismissals.
so, a discussion of insurance premiums and insurance policies. may add insight and may provide benefits.
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