
Sunday, December 20, 2015

History of Islamic insurance in Indonesia !!!

History of Islamic insurance in Indonesia !!!
Welcome, Takaful has long been known to the world, on this occasion the author will explain the history of Islamic insurance in Indonesia. insurance is growing rapidly in Indonesia majority religion of Islam. there are some parties do not follow conventional insurance programs because we are not Islamic. insurance as a form of protection is justified if it meets the requirements of Islam. therefore, appears Takaful to overcome the problems that occur in conventional insurance.
Takaful concept has actually been around since the time of Prophet Muhammad SAW. as aqilah. apilah word means asabah which shows the relationship with the father of the killer. based on the concept, the Arab tribes in ancient times had to prepare the financial contribution on behalf of the heirs of the victim killer. The contribution can be likened to insurance premiums in the insurance practice at this time, because it is a form of financial protection against the heirs upon death is not expected.

Islamic insurance is growing in Indonesia around 1994 meaning that three years before I was born, because I was born in 1997 hehe. the growth of Islamic insurance in Indonesia can not be separated from the takaful formed by PT. reputable Takaful Indonesia. with the formation of takaful insurance, where the bank Muamalat as the pioneer of Islamic banking institutions getting stronger. initially indonesi Muamalat bank along with the man of the nation's foundations and life insurance takaful sponsored the creation of an independent monument. each agency to send representatives to form a team of Indonesian takaful insurance establishment. led by its chairman, namely, pious mercy, then they do a comparative study visit to Malaysia in september 1993. during the visit, it is known that Malaysia was the first ASEAN country that applies the principles of sharia.

armed with the knowledge gained from the comparative study that they organized a national seminar in Jakarta which discusses Islamic insurance. after going through the process and encourage one another in the end date of 25 August 1994 PT. STI established PT. family takaful insurance. then follow the established PT. general takaful insurance on the 2nd of June 1995 since it was established PT. general takaful insurance many emerging institutions engaged in sharia. and now Islamic insurance, Islamic banks, and all the institutions sharia in Indonesia is already very advanced.

That short story about the history of Islamic insurance in Indonesia that started from comparative studies to Malaysia, then create Islamic insurance institutions to advance as it is now.

I hope this short article I wrote this add insight and easy to understand. may be useful for you to know more about this beautiful green Earth Indonesia.
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