
Sunday, December 20, 2015

Understanding the principles of Islamic insurance and Islamic insurance, it is important to note !!!

Understanding the principles of Islamic insurance and Islamic insurance, it is important to note !!!
Welcome, Islamic insurance is growing rapidly today. on this occasion we will discuss about the understanding of the principles of Islamic insurance and Islamic insurance.
Understanding Islamic insurance.
Insurance in Arabic commonly called at ta'min which comes from the word meaning amana provide protection, security, and freedom from fear. the same as with conventional insurance. contained in sharia asuransh called musta'min insured person and the insured party to the insurer ta'min something to pay the mortgage so that someday designated heirs receive compensation for the losses that hit something on the insured.
Takaful understanding others is the effort to protect each other and help each other Dhantara number of people through investments in assets or tabarpu that gives the pattern returns to face a particular risk through the contract in accordance with sharia. by understanding it, we can know that the Takaful apply the principle of mutual protection based on the concept of Islam, which if insurance participants at risk then the bear was another participant.

Do you understand?

now we go to the Principles of Takaful.
the same as with conventional insurance that has principles in developing their business, Islamic insurance also has principles:
1. developed based on the principle of mutual protection.
2. avoid gharar, gambling and usury. is gharar are all buying and selling that contain harmful actions benefit others, because objects that are sold or purchased is unknown. maisir is the act or game speculative or speculative bertujuang to gain. usury is additional money or profit doubled on an agreed transaction since the beginning of the transaction.

3. is a donation so that in case of an event must be settled in accordance with the Shari'a.

4. each insured person to pay installments not expect reward doubled, but with the intention to promote the concept of Islam.

5. if the insurer develop the funds collected, should be based on the concept of Islam.

That understanding of the principles of Islamic insurance and Islamic insurance dasas may add insight. and hopefully this article useful.
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