The cornerstone of Islamic insurance in Indonesia !! This explanation
Welcome. Islamic insurance, Takaful legal basis will be our topic in this article. Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world. Takaful in indonesi developed on the basis of rules. Islamic insurance venture originally set up by the national fatwa council of the clergy Indonesian sharia (DSN-MUI) No. 21 / DSN-MUI / X / 2001 on general insurance sharia guidelines. however, DSN-MUI fatwa is not included as the laws and regulations that have no legal force. therefore, necessary to formulate a regulation included in the law. among others, the directorate general of financial institutions decision number 4499 / LK / 2000, decision of the finance minister of the republic of Indonesia No. 424 / KMK.06 / 2003, and the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia No. 426 / KMK.06 / 2003.
Development of Islamic insurance in Indonesia is also based on the three letters in the Quran. in a letter Yusuf 43-49. allah illustrate examples of human effort to form a protection system face the possibility of a bad future. based on the letter we are encouraged to maintain the viability to protect the possibility of adverse conditions and make plans for the future. Other foundation that supports the development of Islamic insurance, namely Surat al-Baqara 188 which reads
".... and you do not eat up the property among you all with the falsehood and you do not take care of the property to the judge that the purpose you want to eat the wealth of others the path of sin, whereas you know the "cornerstone of the next underlying the development of Islamic insurance, the letter al-Hashr 18 which reads" O ye who believe! Fear Allah and let every self pay attention to what he has done for tomorrow (the Hereafter) and bertaqwalah ye gods, gods omniscient message to us in order to plan everything we will do in the future.
That's our discussion about the legal basis for Islamic insurance, Takaful foundation, a legal basis in the Indonesian Islamic insurance, Takaful legal basis. hopefully add to our knowledge of all. and hopefully my writing is beneficial for you.
Welcome. Islamic insurance, Takaful legal basis will be our topic in this article. Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world. Takaful in indonesi developed on the basis of rules. Islamic insurance venture originally set up by the national fatwa council of the clergy Indonesian sharia (DSN-MUI) No. 21 / DSN-MUI / X / 2001 on general insurance sharia guidelines. however, DSN-MUI fatwa is not included as the laws and regulations that have no legal force. therefore, necessary to formulate a regulation included in the law. among others, the directorate general of financial institutions decision number 4499 / LK / 2000, decision of the finance minister of the republic of Indonesia No. 424 / KMK.06 / 2003, and the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia No. 426 / KMK.06 / 2003.
Development of Islamic insurance in Indonesia is also based on the three letters in the Quran. in a letter Yusuf 43-49. allah illustrate examples of human effort to form a protection system face the possibility of a bad future. based on the letter we are encouraged to maintain the viability to protect the possibility of adverse conditions and make plans for the future. Other foundation that supports the development of Islamic insurance, namely Surat al-Baqara 188 which reads
".... and you do not eat up the property among you all with the falsehood and you do not take care of the property to the judge that the purpose you want to eat the wealth of others the path of sin, whereas you know the "cornerstone of the next underlying the development of Islamic insurance, the letter al-Hashr 18 which reads" O ye who believe! Fear Allah and let every self pay attention to what he has done for tomorrow (the Hereafter) and bertaqwalah ye gods, gods omniscient message to us in order to plan everything we will do in the future.
That's our discussion about the legal basis for Islamic insurance, Takaful foundation, a legal basis in the Indonesian Islamic insurance, Takaful legal basis. hopefully add to our knowledge of all. and hopefully my writing is beneficial for you.
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