
Sunday, December 20, 2015

Social insurance company PT. Askes Indonesia

Social insurance company PT. Askes Indonesia
Welcome imul's blog. blog about insurance, on this occasion I will explain one of the state-owned social insurance company Indonesia, namely PT. Health Insurance or health asuranri. This PT.ASKES given the task by the government in organizing health care for employees and their families as civil servants, retired civil servants, TNI, Polri, veteran and pioneer of independence. Participants then expanded the scope of health insurance for people who are characterized by the operation of PT. InHealth Indonesian life insurance. on 20 March, 2009. This company is a subsidiary PT.ASKES. based health insurance participants are grouped into a social health insurance, health insurance public health insurance, health insurance public health insurance programs, health insurance and health insurance minister. for more details, I will outline

1. The social health insurance.
Social health insurance participants are civil servants, retired civil servants sipildan family, state officials and their families, anhota TNI, Polri, veteran, independence pioneers and their family members. is a member of the family is a husband or wife and children of the insured person. children borne totaling a maximum of two people, has not reached the age of 21 years, unmarried, not income, and still be tanhungan until the age of 25 years if they follow a formal education.

2. The public health insurance health insurance.
in Indonesia is often called jamkesmas aims to alleviate poverty. thus, the goal of this program is poor and can not afford. miskis people who have self-defined identity as a participant by the regents or mayors and participants will receive a card. while the poor are those who do not have a defined identity as a participant by the head of the social services district and will also receive a membership card.

3. askes public health insurance program.
which aims to expand the coverage of people who will be part of the national health insurance. the target is the general public that the fee was derived from the local government or institution with legal status. This program is expected by the quality of service to the community is increasing.

4. askes minister of health insurance.
Ministers and officials are also members of this program. PT.ASKES organize health insurance by berdasaskan principle of mutual cooperation. while also providing health services. PT.ASKES in carrying out its duties guided by the law, namely the 1945 Constitution, Act No. 23 of 1992 on Health, Law No. 40 of 2004 concerning social security system nasiunal and health ministerial decision number 1241 / Menkes / SK / XI / 2004.
PT.ASKES protect the public from potential risks worse.
That's the explanation of the social insurance company in Indonesia may add insight about insurance and hopefully more familiar with Indonesia. may be useful
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